The Story of Pico Electronics

Founded in 1967 by Mr. Joseph Sweeney and Mr. Henry Spoldi, Pico Electronics was established to improve and reduce the size of transformers and converters - which at the time were quite large. They began developing miniature and ultra-miniature units of high quality and reliability for military specifications and commercial air flight applications. With the new technologies that allow for surface mounting and other installation venues, The transformers were developed in accordance with MIL-T (now MIL-PRF) military specifications. As the technology advanced, so too did PICO Electronics by progressing from flying lead transformers, to thru hole configurations and axial leads, to gull lead and āJā lead surface mount models.
Pico Electronics has come to be known as "the" resource for 'anything that flies' using a miniature conductor or transformer. Additionally, Pico Electronics became the experts in miniature DC to DC power converters and miniature AC to DC power supplies. Over the years Pico established itself as a leader in high voltage DC to DC output (the high voltage outputs that meet today's modern requirements of up to 10,000 volts DC).
Today, Pico Electronics is constantly improving the efficiency of the power source and power factor correction, and is extending their high voltage product line.
PICO.The big name in small components
Pico offers ultra-miniature packages and high power units (up to 300 watts) as well as regulated, programmable, and dual output packages. They are able to accommodate many different input voltages in both the DC range, anywhere from 5 volts DC to 380 volts DC, and in the AC to DC range, having universal AC input.
The never-ending drive to push the high voltage envelope - and the reduction of the size and weight from rack type systems into brick and half brick modules - is why Pico Electronics' DC to DC converters, transformers and inductors can be found everywhere - from the single engine aircraft to the international space station to Sojourner (the mobile module that landed on Mars).